4 Life-Altering Mantras I Live by Each Day

This blog is going to be a little different.

Whether you’re new to this site or a long-time reader, how things usually go are as follows:

  • I cruise my sources for pertinent information I find interesting and believe will be useful to my audience.
  • I read and review the research to ensure it is reliable.
  • I take the idea and create fresh content with my own personal style.

But that is not how it’s going to happen this week. This week I want to try something new, and hopefully you will find it just as enjoyable and useful as the status quo content. The reason I am doing this is I really could not find any topics that stuck out, which lead me to do some self-reflection. I realized that some of the most useful and relatable blog posts come from writers who are sharing their own personal experiences. So, this week I want to share with you guys how my life has been transformed over the last year. You see, I’ve been on a personal growth journey and along the way I have come across some ideas that have really helped me to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and maturity. They have helped me to become a new person and those around me have noticed the difference. So, I would like to share them with you because I believe they will add value to your life like they did to mine. Here are several life-changing mantra’s I live by every day:

The 4 Transformative Mantras

1.) Count Your Blessings

I’ll be the first to admit I am not a morning person. I like to stay up late, which makes it difficult to wake up bright and early. Having said that, when I do finally wake up I have found that I struggle with waking up with the right attitude and motivation to get my day started on the right track. I am sure I don’t need to explain how essential it is to get your day started off on the right foot. I mean, if it starts off on the wrong foot it can send the rest of the day into a downward spiral.

One way I have found to counteract my issue is to wake up and count my blessings. As soon as I wake up and hear the negative voices in my head, I start to list the ways that I am blessed. For example, when I don’t want to go to work instead griping I remind myself how great my job is, how wonderful it is I get to work with my family, how blessed I am to have a job along with a steady income, and how awesome it is that I get to create my own schedule. I have found that reminding myself of facts like these quiets the negative thoughts and emotions and instills in me a positive perspective. Here’s a universal truth–you can’t be in a bad mood if you’re consciously practicing thankfulness and cultivating an overall attitude of contentment.

Another way I have found to combat my sour mood in the mornings is to practice positive self-talk. For instance, as an introvert I struggle with daily interactions with people so much so that I literally have to give myself a little pep talk when I know I am going to have to deal with other people for an extended period of time. I have found that when I speak positive, empowering words over myself they take root and I live them out. For example, when I am struggling with interacting with people instead of thinking things like “I cannot do this” or “I don’t want to deal with this person today” I make a point to say, “I get to make a positive impact on someone today.” This change in mindset has greatly improved my social interactions and overall outlook on life.

2.) Be Unoffendable

Everyone gets offended. It’s just apart of life; however, some people get more easily offend than others. If you’re like me, then you’re easily offended. I used to get offended if someone looked at me the wrong way or spoke to me in the wrong tone of voice. That’s how bad I used to be. And don’t even get me started on driving. It was so bad at one point I found myself constantly in a bad mood and strongly disliking most, if not all, of the people around me. But that is no way to live life. In fact, it’s a sad existence. No one likes an angry, bitter person. Yet that’s exactly what being easily offendable will get you. It will fill you with anger and resent, which will lead to a surplus of bitterness.

So, how did I become unoffendable? The answer is simple, I read this book and applied its lessons to my everyday life. When I encounter a person or situation that triggers me to become offendable I stop and remind myself to be unoffendable. When you allow someone to offend you you’re giving them power over you. Being unoffendable takes the power from them and gives it back to you. No one has power over you except that which you give them. So, the next time someone cuts you off in traffic or gives you the horn for no reason stop, take a moment, and remind yourself to be unoffendable. The truth is often times, the things people say and do to us throughout the day isn’t personal and isn’t a reflection of us–it’s a reflection of them. So, turn the other cheek and heap those burning coals on their heads. I guarantee you will walk away the victor.

This is probably the biggest change in my life. It has greatly reduced my anger, stress, and anxiety levels while helping me maintain a positive outlook.

3.) Walk in Humility

We live in a increasingly self-centered, entitled, and narcissistic society. Today’s world is all about “me.” So, much so we often forget about and side-step other people. Humility is a rarity in today’s culture. That’s why if you’re genuinely humble you’re unique. But here’s a secret humble people have been trying to tell us for years but we don’t want to hear–it’s extremely satisfying. The old saying, “It is better to give than receive” hold trues. I have found when you put others above yourself, put others first, and seek to serve others instead being serve you are left with a sense of joy and fulfillment. If you want to be happier and stand out, strive to be servant-hearted. You won’t believe the rewards.

4.) Have a Consistently Good Attitude

This another life lesson that I have learned that has completely transformed my life. Let’s face it–life is full of things we don’t want to do and people we don’t want to deal with, but sometimes you don’t have an option. When you’re forced to do things you don’t want to or be around difficult people, learning to have a consistently good attitude comes in handy. This a a lesson my dad taught me. At one point in my life, every time I had to do something I didn’t feel like doing or engage with a person I didn’t want to I would allow to affect my attitude and potentially ruin my day. Here’s the thing–when you choose to have a good attitude no matter the activity, situation, or person it utterly changes your experience because half of the battle is perspective/attitude.

For example, if you don’t enjoy yard work, you’re most likely going to have a negative attitude about doing the yard work when the time comes. However, if you choose to have a consistently good attitude towards yard work, you’ll start to find certain aspects of the work you enjoy and before you know it you’ll start to enjoy the yard work itself, which will make it go by faster and smoother.

Attitude is a choice. It is never out of your control. You can choose to have a bad attitude, but why would you? Choosing to have a consistently good attitude will challenge you, grow you, and enable you to overcome many daily obstacles. Most importantly, it will enable you to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

I hope these concepts have opened your eyes as they did mine. I encourage you to embrace them and live them out on a daily basis. I promise you, you will never be the same.

-Christian Hamby

February 27, 2023

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